I drew this picture when I was having a rough day in studio. I just walked out and went to Yum Yum's. After finishing my hot dogs I did this one of the Bryan building. You meet the coolest people at Yum Yum's.
This is a doodle from class. It's nothing fancy, but it's the first time I tried the scrubby technique for the tall grass that I learned from Nadia. The masonry turned out kinda cool as well.
This is a five point perspective sketch I did late one night with a piece of dental floss as a compass. This perspective adds a very interesting effect, it's definitely something I will experiment with and try to develop.
This blog is dedicated to my drawing journey. All the doodles from class, all the enraged scribbling, and all the wonder and inspiration of our daily lives are what these tabulations are all about. This is my sketchbook.